Childhood Oral Hygiene and The Role Parents Play

The foundation for healthy teeth is established during the first years of life. Making healthy food choices, brushing well, and visiting the dentist for regular checkups are all practices that will help prevent issues with your little one’s tiny teeth now, and ensure the development of strong and healthy permanent teeth.
Parents serve as role models for this behavior– children learn best through imitation. However, involvement in your child’s oral health is also key during the early years, when dexterity is still developing.

Here are some tips for parents of young children, to help keep your littles’ oral health on the right track:

  • As soon as the first teeth show up, parents should begin brushing them. Use a pea-sized amount of children’s non-fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Brush your child’s teeth yourself twice per day (if you can!) until about age 2. At this point, you can switch to a small amount of regular toothpaste. When they start wanting to brush themselves, encourage them but re-brush the hard-to-clean areas.
  • At age 6, children are usually able to brush their teeth well on their own. In this phase, parents should continue supervising regular brushing efforts and should do so up until around age 12 when the second molars come in.

At Westover Family Dentistry, we provide comprehensive care for adults as well as children. My team and I are highly trained and implement the highest level of technology in the dental field. We focus on the overall health of our patients, and how dental health plays into it.

Our friendly staff looks forward to meeting you. Contact us today!

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