First Visit

Experience dentistry like you never have before.

During this routine exam, we will review your medical and dental history and take any necessary radiographs. You will have a laser scan done of your teeth (wellness scan) to get a 3D digital copy of your teeth. Using this, the doctor will show you everything going on with your smile and discuss what treatments are available to suit your individual needs. We will also perform a head and neck cancer screening and evaluate the health of your gums.

This is a very interactive visit where you will have ample time to ask questions and work with the dentist to co develop the best treatment to achieve your dental goals.

Important documents to bring with you

  • Please fill out the online patient forms prior to your visit. This will allow the doctors to review your information prior to the appointment. It will also allow the front desk staff to evaluate any dental insurance information we can gain prior to the appointment to help answer any financial questions you may have.
  • Any current x-rays (within 6 months) from your previous dentist. Many times, your previous office will email them to us if you request it (
  • A list of medications you are taking
  • Medical or dental insurance cards if you have them

If you are under 18 years of age or if you have special needs, a parent or guardian must accompany you to your first visit.

Please alert the office if you have a medical condition that may be of concern prior to your visit, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, artificial heart valves, rheumatic fever, etc)

Please alert the office if your physician requires you to take an antibiotic prior to your visit.